headshot of Lori Magestro.

Lori Magestro, DNP, RN, MEDSURG-BC

Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing and Program Director of ADN 262-524-7450 lmagestr@whtmy.com


College of Health Sciences Associate Degree Nursing Nursing


I have over 30 years of experience as a registered nurse. I spent 20 years practicing as a medical-surgical clinical nurse before moving into leadership as a Magnet Program Manager. After receiving my doctoral degree, I moved to the academic setting. I have experience teaching pre-licensed nursing students and experienced nurses in ADN, BSN, and MSN programs, and at a large, multi-hospital healthcare organization.


Doctor of Nursing Practice - Systems Leadership and Health Care Quality
Marquette University
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Cardinal Stritch University
Associate Degree in Nursing
Milwaukee Area Technical College

Areas of Specialization

  • Systems Leadership
  • Health Care Quality
  • Patient Safety
  • Medical-Surgical Nursing
  • Nursing Shared Governance
Board Certification
  • Medical-Surgical Nursing

Scholarly and Professional Achievements

Select Presentations  

May 2022 – Magestro, L. Podcasting as a teaching strategy: Utilization of a non-nurse cohost. 24th Annual Building Bridges to Research-Based Nursing Practice Conference, Milwaukee, WI. Poster. Awarded best poster in the Evidence-Based Practice category.  

September 2014 - Magestro, L., & Sommer, J. Keynote speakers, Shared Governance Leader/CNS Mentor; Nursing’s contribution to organizational strategic priorities through alignment between shared governance, CNSs and CNOs, Wisconsin Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  

October 2013 - Pogacar, B., Magestro, L., Kingston, M. B. System nursing shared governance: Spanning the continuum of care. ANCC National Magnet Conference: The Magic of Magnet, Orlando, FL. Podium.  

May 2007 - Gentile, D., Klapatauskas, J., Magestro, L., Whyms, K., & Yust, P. Nursing orientation: Classroom + clinical. Ninth Annual Southeastern Wisconsin Research Conference: Building Bridges to Research Based Nursing Practice, Milwaukee, WI. Poster.  

March 2006 - Gentile, D., Magestro, L., Sommer, J., & Laursen, R. Development and implementation of a sustainable nursing certification campaign. Ninth National Magnet Conference: Celebrating Excellence in Nursing, Miami, FL. Poster.  

Service to Carroll University and Profession

Professional Appointments
Academy of Medical Surgical Nurses (AMSN), Application Judge for the Premier Recognition In the Specialty of Med-Surg (PRISM) Award
AMSN Clinical Leadership Development Program, Content Reviewer
Professional Memberships
Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses (AMSN)
Southeastern Wisconsin Nursing Research Consortium
National League for Nursing
Wisconsin League for Nursing
Wisconsin Organization for Nurse Leaders

Honors and Awards

Nurse Excellence Award-Leading the Way, Aurora Health Care

What is your teaching style?

My philosophy of teaching is to create an environment that encourages learners to be motivated, build on previous knowledge, and  develop skills. The environment should challenge, but not intimidate, the learner. I believe learning occurs when the environment is meaningful, realistic, and safe, allowing the learner to explore unfamiliar concepts or skills without the fear of making a mistake. My philosophy is drawn from my past experiences as a teacher, a student, and the environment that surrounds me. 

Why do you do what you do?

I believe active learning occurs when the learner is motivated, which begins with relaying my passion for nursing. It is teaching the whys in addition to the hows. It is helping students process information allowing them to build upon existing knowledge and experiences, apply content learned to new situations, and engage in higher levels of thinking. I love being involved in the nursing education journey for pre-licensed nursing students and helping experienced nurses elevate their level of knowledge.

How do you make learning engaging?

As nurses, we know that people rely on our knowledge during some of the most vulnerable times of their lives. This means nursing education is serious and comprehensive, but that doesn’t mean learning shouldn’t be fun. I use interactive activities, games, case studies, rich discussions, stories from my experience as a nurse, and humor when I teach. This goes back to my philosophy of teaching which is to create an inviting  learning environment.

What should students know about you?

Years ago, I was struck by a United States Army commercial promoting the profession of nursing. The commercial included the line, “If all it took was caring, anyone could be a nurse.” Nursing, both a science and an art, can be difficult to describe and I have not heard anything come close to encapsulating what it means to be a nurse in such a bold, succinct statement. I have carried that line with me throughout my career and used it as the foundation of my practice and how I teach nursing. If you want to become a nurse or if you are an experienced nurse and want to continue your nursing educational journey, I want to help you reach your goal!
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